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Introduction to Design Thinking – Overview

Design Thinking is a problem-solving approach that emphasizes understanding the user, redefining problems, and creating innovative solutions. This course introduces you to the core principles and stages of Design Thinking, guiding you through a process that fosters creativity and user-centered design.

For more detailed information and a comprehensive explanation, please refer to the video above.

What is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking is a creative problem-solving approach that centers on understanding the user and their needs to develop innovative solutions. It involves a non-linear, iterative process that challenges assumptions and redefines problems to identify alternative strategies and solutions.

  • Empathize: Understanding the user's experiences, challenges, and needs
  • Define: Framing the problem based on user insights
  • Ideate: Generating a wide range of creative solutions
  • Prototype: Building tangible representations of ideas to explore their feasibility
  • Test: Gathering feedback on the prototypes and refining the solutions

1. Empathize

The first stage in the Design Thinking process involves gaining an empathic understanding of the problem you're trying to solve. This is typically done through user research.

Key activities:

  • Conduct interviews with users
  • Observe users in their natural environment
  • Engage with users to understand their experiences and motivations
  • Immerse yourself in the user's physical environment

Test your Knowledge and understanding with flashcards!


Which of the following is a core principle of Design Thinking?

Young woman smiling in a home with teal walls

Empathy maps?

Empathy maps are a simple yet powerful tool used to understand users better by focusing on their experiences, behaviors, and emotions. They are divided into four main quadrants:

  1. What users SAY: This covers direct quotes or feedback from users, revealing their thoughts, preferences, and needs.
  2. What users THINK: This quadrant explores users thoughts that may not be explicitly stated but are inferred based on their behavior and feedback.
  3. What users FEEL: This focuses on the emotions users experience while interacting with a product or service. It's about understanding their frustrations, motivations, and desires.
  4. What users DO: This refers to the user's actions and behaviors during interactions, like specific tasks they perform or their usage patterns.

By mapping these four areas, you gain a holistic view of your users, which helps in designing more intuitive, user-centered products. Empathy maps are especially useful in collaborative design sessions, helping teams align on user insights and ensuring the user's voice is central throughout the design process.

Other Links

Explore additional resources and tools to enhance your learning and expand your knowledge. Check out these curated links for further exploration:

Design Thinking Toolkit: Download Now

Access a comprehensive toolkit to guide you through each stage of the Design Thinking process. Includes templates, worksheets, and practical tips.

Innovative Solutions Blog: Read More

Dive into the latest articles and case studies on innovative problem-solving and creative methodologies. Stay updated with industry trends and insights.

User Experience Research: Explore Resources

Find a collection of research papers, guides, and best practices focused on user experience and interaction design. Perfect for deepening your understanding of UX principles.


Task: User Empathy Mapping Exercise

Choose a product or service you use daily (e.g., a mobile app or a household item).

Create an empathy map for a typical user of this product. Include the following sections:

  • What the user says (about the product).
  • What the user thinks (their thoughts or concerns).
  • What the user feels (emotional responses).
  • What the user does (their actions while using it).

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