Control Flow (if, else, switch)

Control flow statements allow you to dictate the flow of your program based on certain conditions. They are essential for decision-making, and they include `if`, `else`, and `switch` statements.

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Control Flow (if, else, switch)

Lesson 3

Learn how to control the execution of code in JavaScript by using conditional statements and logical operators.

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Introduction to JavaScript Control Flow Statements

Welcome to the world of JavaScript programming! In this beginner's tutorial course by Coder Fiction, we will dive deep into understanding control flow statements in JavaScript. Control flow statements are essential for any programmer as they allow you to control the flow of program execution based on certain conditions.

Throughout this course, we will cover key topics such as if statements, if-else statements, the ternary operator, and the switch statement.

Have you ever wondered how to make your programs execute different blocks of code based on specific conditions? Join us in this course to learn how to make your JavaScript programs more dynamic and flexible by incorporating control flow statements.

Let's embark on this exciting journey of mastering JavaScript's control flow statements together and unlock the potential of your coding skills. Are you ready to take your programming knowledge to the next level? Let's get started!

Main Concepts of JavaScript Control Flow Statements

  • If Statement:

    • The if statement executes a block of code if a specified condition is true.
    • It is written as if (condition) { // code block }.
    • If the condition is evaluated to true, the code block inside the curly braces will be executed.
  • If-Else Statement:

    • The if-else statement provides an alternative execution path if the condition in the if statement is false.
    • It is written as if (condition) { // code block } else { // alternative code block }.
    • If the condition in the if statement is false, the code block inside the else clause will be executed.
  • Else If Statement:

    • The else if statement allows the program to check multiple conditions sequentially.
    • It is written as if (condition1) { // code block } else if (condition2) { // code block }.
    • If condition1 is false, it moves to condition2 and executes the corresponding code block if true.
  • Ternary Operator:

    • The ternary operator is a shorthand syntax for an if-else statement.
    • It is written as condition ? expression1 : expression2.
    • If the condition is true, it returns expression1; otherwise, it returns expression2.
  • Switch Statement:

    • The switch statement evaluates an expression and executes the corresponding code block based on matching cases.
    • It is structured as switch (expression) { case label1: // code block break; case label2: // code block break; default: // code block }.
    • If a case matches the expression, the code block associated with that case is executed.

These concepts are essential for controlling the flow of program execution based on specific conditions, allowing for more dynamic and flexible programming in JavaScript.

Practical Applications of Control Flow Statements in JavaScript

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Checking if a Number is Even or Odd:

    • Declare a variable num and initialize it with a number.
    • Use an if statement with a modulus operation to check if the number is even.
    • Print appropriate messages for even and odd numbers.
    • Example:
      let num = 5;
      if (num % 2 === 0) {
          console.log(`${num} is an even number`);
      } else {
          console.log(`${num} is an odd number`);
  2. Finding the Biggest Number from Three Numbers:

    • Declare three variables and initialize them with numbers.
    • Use an if-else if-else statement to find the biggest number.
    • Print the result based on the comparisons.
    • Example:
      let a = 10;
      let b = 20;
      let c = 15;
      if (a >= b && a >= c) {
          console.log(`a is the biggest number`);
      } else if (b >= a && b >= c) {
          console.log(`b is the biggest number`);
      } else {
          console.log(`c is the biggest number`);
  3. Using Ternary Operator to Check Student Exam Result:

    • Declare a variable with the score.
    • Use a ternary operator to check if the student passed.
    • Print the result based on the condition.
    • Example:
      let score = 75;
      let result = score > 45 ? 'passed' : 'failed';
      console.log(`Student ${result} the exam`);
  4. Identifying Country Names by Code using Switch Statement:

    • Declare a variable with a country code.
    • Use a switch statement with case labels for different countries.
    • Print the corresponding country name based on the code.
    • Example:
      let countryCode = 'ind';
      switch (countryCode) {
          case 'usa':
              console.log('United States of America');
          case 'ind':
          case 'sa':
              console.log('South Africa');
          case 'ca':
              console.log('Country not found');

Try these examples in your JavaScript environment to understand the practical applications of control flow statements. Play around with different values to see how the flow changes based on the conditions provided. Happy coding!

Test your Knowledge


Which statement is used to execute code based on multiple conditions?

Advanced Insights into JavaScript Control Flow Statements

In JavaScript, control flow statements play a crucial role in managing the flow of program execution based on specific conditions. Let's delve deeper into some advanced aspects of control flow in JavaScript.

Chaining Else-If Statements for Complex Conditions

When dealing with more complex conditions, you can chain multiple else-if statements to cater to various scenarios. Remember that the order of these conditions matters, as they are evaluated sequentially. Starting from the first condition, if it evaluates to false, the next condition in line is checked. This iterative process continues until a true condition is found, or the final else block is executed.

Curiosity Question: How can you optimize the order of else-if conditions to ensure efficient execution when dealing with complex scenarios?

Leveraging Ternary Operator for Concise Statements

The ternary operator in JavaScript offers a concise way to implement conditional statements as shorthand for if-else blocks. It consists of a condition followed by a question mark and two expressions separated by a colon. This operator is particularly useful for short, straightforward conditions where you want to assign a value based on a logical condition.

Tip: Consider using the ternary operator for compact and readable code in scenarios with simple conditional assignments.

Understanding the Behavior of Switch Statements

Switch statements provide a structured way to handle multiple selections based on an expression's value. Each case block contains statements to execute if the expression matches the specified value. It's crucial to include break statements after each case block to prevent fall-through behavior, where subsequent case blocks are executed irrespective of matching conditions.

Expert Advice: Utilize switch statements for scenarios involving multiple distinct cases to enhance code readability and maintainability.

By exploring these advanced insights into JavaScript control flow statements, you can enhance your programming skills and efficiently manage program execution based on different conditions. Experiment with various scenarios to deepen your understanding and proficiency in implementing control flow in JavaScript.

Additional Resources for JavaScript Control Flow

Explore these resources to deepen your understanding of JavaScript control flow statements and enhance your programming skills!



Task: Create a program that checks if a number is positive, negative, or zero using if/else.

Task: Write a program that prints 'Even' or 'Odd' based on a given number using the ternary operator.

Task: Create a switch statement that checks a user's grade and returns a message based on the grade.

Task: Write a program that checks if a person is eligible to vote (age >= 18) using if/else.

Task: Use a switch statement to handle different user roles like 'admin', 'moderator', and 'guest'.

Task: Implement a program that checks if a number is divisible by both 3 and 5.

Task: Write a program that prints 'Good Morning' if the time is before noon, and 'Good Evening' otherwise.

Task: Implement a program that checks if a user is logged in and has administrator privileges.

Task: Create a program that checks if a year is a leap year or not using if/else.

Task: Write a function that returns 'Adult' or 'Minor' based on the user's age.

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