Installing Ruby and Setting up the Development Environment (Linux)

Learn how to set up a Ruby programming development environment on Ubuntu Linux with easy-to-follow steps.

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Installing Ruby and Setting up the Development Environment (Linux)

Lesson 3

Learn how to install Ruby and set up the development environment on Linux systems.

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Introduction to Ruby Programming

Welcome to the "Introduction to Ruby Programming" course! In this course, you will embark on a journey to learn the fundamentals of Ruby programming language. Whether you are a beginner looking to dive into the world of coding or an experienced programmer interested in adding Ruby to your skill set, this course is designed to cater to learners of all levels.

Course Overview:

Throughout this course, you will learn how to set up a development environment for Ruby programming on Ubuntu Linux. The course instructor, Bilal Heather, will guide you through the installation process and provide step-by-step instructions to ensure a smooth setup.


Prior knowledge of programming languages is not required to enroll in this course. However, it is recommended that you have access to a code editor of your choice. Visual Studio Code is suggested as a suitable option due to its user-friendly interface and open-source nature.

Are you ready to explore the world of Ruby programming? Join us on this exciting learning journey as we uncover the basics of Ruby language and pave the way for future proficiency in programming. Let's get started!

Main Concepts of Ruby Programming

  • Setting up a Development Environment

    • The first step in learning Ruby programming is to set up a development environment. This involves installing Ruby on your operating system. The video focuses on setting up Ruby on Ubuntu Linux, but the process may vary for Windows or Mac users.
  • Installing Dependencies

    • After updating and upgrading the system, you need to install dependencies required for Ruby programming. These dependencies are essential for running Ruby applications smoothly.
  • Installing RVM (Ruby Version Manager)

    • RVM allows you to manage different versions of Ruby on your system. This is helpful when you need to switch between Ruby versions for different projects. RVM simplifies the process of installing and managing Ruby versions.
  • Installing Rails (Optional)

    • Rails is a popular web application framework written in Ruby. While not necessary for learning Ruby basics, installing Rails can be beneficial for future projects. The video mentions that Rails tutorials will be covered later on in the series.
  • Selecting a Code Editor

    • Choosing the right code editor is crucial for a smooth coding experience. The video recommends using Visual Studio Code for Ruby programming due to its open-source nature and user-friendly interface. A good code editor enhances productivity and makes coding tasks easier.

By following these steps, learners can successfully set up a Ruby development environment on a Linux operating system and begin their journey into Ruby programming.

Practical Applications of Ruby Programming

Step-by-Step Guide for Setting Up Ruby Development Environment on Ubuntu Linux:

  1. Update and Upgrade:

    • Open your terminal and enter the following commands:
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt upgrade
    • Enter your password when prompted and wait for the process to finish.
  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Copy all listed dependencies from the video transcript and install them using the following command:
      sudo apt install [list of dependencies]
  3. Install RVM (Ruby Version Manager):

    • Install RVM by running the following command:
      \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
    • This will allow you to switch between Ruby versions easily.
  4. Verify Ruby Installation:

    • Source RVM by running:
      source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
    • Check the installed Ruby version with:
      ruby -v

Now, it's time to code!

  1. Choose a Code Editor:
    • Select your preferred code editor, such as Visual Studio Code.
    • Install and configure it.

Hands-On Practice:

  • Try following the steps mentioned above in your own Ubuntu Linux system to set up a Ruby development environment.
  • Experiment with different Ruby versions using RVM.
  • Write a simple Ruby program using your chosen code editor and run it to see the output.

Get your hands dirty with Ruby programming and explore the endless possibilities it offers. Happy coding!

Test your Knowledge


Which command is typically used to install Ruby on Linux?

Advanced Insights into Ruby Programming

When setting up a development environment for Ruby programming on Ubuntu Linux, it's essential to understand the importance of using Ubuntu as your operating system. Why so? Because when deploying Ruby applications, they are most likely to be deployed on a Linux machine. Therefore, by learning and practicing on Ubuntu, you'll have a smoother transition when it comes to deployment.

Tips for Advanced Learning:

  • Version Management with RVM: Utilize RVM (Ruby Version Manager) to switch between different versions of Ruby. This tool allows you to seamlessly change the Ruby version based on your project requirements, ensuring flexibility and compatibility.

  • Focus on Ruby Basics: Before diving into Rails development, spend time mastering the fundamentals of the Ruby language. This foundational knowledge will serve as a crucial building block for your future projects.

  • Choosing a Code Editor: While the choice of a code editor is subjective, consider using Visual Studio Code for its open-source nature and robust features. Experiment with different editors to find the one that suits your coding style and preferences.

Expert Advice:

Take the time to explore different versions of Ruby and understand the nuances of each. Experiment with various features, functionalities, and libraries to broaden your understanding and improve your programming skills.

Additional Resources for Ruby Programming

Here are some helpful resources to further enhance your learning on Ruby programming:

Explore these resources to deepen your understanding of Ruby programming and enhance your skills. Happy coding! 🚀



Task: Follow the video instructions to install Ruby on a Linux system using a package manager.

Task: Test the installation by running ruby -v.

Task: Create a script to print the current date and time using Ruby.

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